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Rules Lite

Story-first approach that gives players agency in the session. We focus on the experience with a slim and efficient set of mechanics.

Modern Horror

SUNSET deals with deep issues that afflict our modern society. We explore tragedies, acts of violence, and other horrors that humans endure.


Defy and laugh in the face of Death. Stand against your odds and demand what is yours. Find yourself through trauma, scares, laughs, and tears.

However it ends, You deserve it

We've partnered with visionary storytellers—masters of surrealism, terror, and psychological horror—to craft a uniquely chilling experience.


Each collaborator brings their distinct voice, pushing the boundaries of storytelling to immerse you deeper into the liminal reality of SUNSET.


Forteller is proud to welcome Kari Jo Freudigmann, Sebastian Yūe, Kris Strader, Sydney Spears, Erin Fordham, and Alicia Marie to the SUNSET creative team.

SUNSET logo masked by Death bleeding through the design

Follow the Kickstarter

Sign up to defy death, unravel your story, and be the first to step into the afterlife.

Your SUNSET awaits.



Concept Art


Development Diary

Mar 17, 2025


Lights flicker and softly snap on, and the echo of shuffling footsteps comes closer through the empty warehouse. You don’t know where you are as you strain against the shackles attached to a bloody metal table. A manila file smacks down before you, opening to what you did, what you hoped wasn’t true. You look away and wretch as you suddenly realize, "What happens in Vegas DOESN’T STAY IN VEGAS?".

Welcome back to SUNSET, friends. Thank you for your patience. It’s been two weeks of traveling and fighting off the concrud of various fashions. We want to reward you for your tenacity by providing you with an extra special edition of our development diary. After all, so many of you came and rode with Gamble at Dice Tower West and play-tested & demoed SUNSET.

What is this?

Dice Tower West was a really exciting time. So many people who had never heard of SUNSET jumped into games with reckless abandon. We had a special visit from a group of fresh game developers from a “local” high school who provided feedback and told us how excited they were about the prospect of a modern horror rules-lite system vaulting into the marketplace.

That brings us to why I’m writing this: a long time ago, I was one of those kids just learning about the world of games and trying to understand it. I want to tell you a story. Sit back, make yourself comfortable, and let's look at the road to which we owe for getting here.

Early Aughts, A mall in the Midwest, alive, popping, a friendly local game store manned by one of my best friends, Treetop. Treetop is a lanky dude with blue eyes filled with mirth and fair skin, best hidden from the sun, always quick with a hug and a kind word. I greeted my pal as always, exchanging jokes and chatting about our days. I worked downstairs, hawking cell phones and desperately trying to scrape up enough money for gasoline for my 96’ Saturn, coffee, and cigarettes. He had a real retail job and was getting paid an hourly salary where I floundered in the trenches of “commission-based sales.” It was high school, I was a teenager, and I had no idea what I was doing.

I remember just receiving my paycheck and being flush with some cash. I wanted to buy a game. I was new to gaming and quickly learned that some games were not for me. I was never a person for extensive rule sets; there was just too much to remember. I struggled with numbers my entire life; my neuro-spicy flavor made letters and numbers move around like insects under a rock. I hadn’t found my niche yet, but that was all about to change.

“Dude, I think I got a game you’d like. You’re into horror, right? Like Stephen King and stuff like that.”
“Oh. Love spooky shit.”
“Here, we’re getting rid of them. They're getting a third edition.”
“What’s an edition?”
“Uh, it’s like a new set of better rules.” 
“You can do that?” I was shaken.
“Sure, you can. People work to make their rules better. Here.”

Vampire: The Masquerade Second Edition felt heavy in my hands. It had a green marble cover with a rose; it reminded me of Interview with a Vampire and The Lost Boys. I flipped it open and scanned it; the rules are okay: Lasombra, bingo, I want to play that.

“Lasombra are bad guys. Keep going.”

Then there it was. My teenage mind broke at what it was witnessing. There, on a page saying Malkavian, there was a picture. The black and white line art print depicted a punked-out person with long hair holding something purposefully printed upside down. It was modern, not like that weird fantasy stuff that everyone loved. It had power; it had substance. It was saying something, and I wanted to hear more. I needed more of this.


I often say in professional settings that “we are standing on the shoulders of giants.” I know this is true because I've modeled the universe in which SUNSET exists on the blueprints laid out by experts before me. The World of Darkness has been a major source of inspiration and joy in my life. From playing and running LARPs to being able to work on Chicago by Night from Onyx Path Publishing, I've been blessed to walk that fantastic world many times over. I’ve been able to thank Steve Wieck & Richard Thomas multiple times over the years for their guidance and mentorship. What I never knew was that I'd be able to come full circle with giving a game to another kid just trying to find something they liked.

Dice Tower West was the first time I ran this game for teenagers, while SUNSET explores mature themes, death obviously has no age limit. I told this story that I found my game when I was one player's age, he turned 16 on that Sunday of the convention. Seeing the joy of a game that truly connects with someone is something that I hope all who read this get the opportunity to feel someday. It just clicked for this kiddo, he understood what was going on, was silly but respectful, flippant but poised. He was able to be a “bad guy” safely without consequence and explore some pretty brutal ideas around addiction and religious belief. At one point of learning of the gold in the Launder your Karma demo in our free Quickstart, he mused “sweet, money for buying more cocaine.”

Just like how I was able to explore pretty dark shit while I played my various spooky characters in the World of Darkness, this player was using my game to do the same and they wanted to tell all their friends all about it. That is what this is all about. The big cycle that stories can provide and how it can echo through generations. Those stories matter and change the world. Pretty neat, huh?

What happened these past two weeks

Dice Tower West. Wack. Mike, Jason, Adam, and Thomas all got to have some in-depth conversations about SUNSET and our plans going forward. Remember any Players who play in our demos before publishing may receive a Playtester credit in the core rule book. Feel free to email your name, when you played, and your feedback / constructive criticism to sunset@foretellergames.com so we can review it with the entire creative team and add your name to the tester list!

Sebastian Yūe (a guest writer on Daggerheart and Cosmere) provided their first draft of 2,000 words in which we applied some of their setting design into the demos at DTW to a resounding success. Players stated they “were scared” of certain unnerving innovations Sebastian have set out for Players and Death Masters alike.

We are planning some videos that dive into different areas of SUNSET to start exploring the game design and we are planning more live plays of SUNSET with some delightful people. Stay tuned for more on that front.

Sydney provided us some art on Saturday, we cannot wait to show off her work to the world.



[ ahy-sok-ruh-nl ]


  1. equal or uniform in time
  2. performed in equal intervals of time
  3. characterized by motions or vibrations of equal duration


    “Pedro” by Jaxomy, Agatino Romero, & Raffaella Carra on the SUNSET Soundtrack.


    When you’re using the Deck of Many Dice and you’re a Death Master you never have to worry about what is happening next. You can scry a scene by just pulling cards and using the Affinity/tarot symbol or dice rolls for however you choose.

    Find more about the Deck of Many Dice here.

    What’s the plan?

    We are working on a series of content to start explaining slices of SUNSET: character creation, the world setting, the goals, the denizens, and more. We have over 300 pages in our unedited corebook currently, and there is a lot to start introducing.

    Tell your friends, play the quickstart, and follow the Kickstarter page.

    Mar 03, 2025

    Heading West

    The dice are cast, the thread is woven, and the end is incredibly flipping nigh. All signs point to a great gathering westward. Do you feel it? Do you smell death on the wind, my little ones? Rot and riches glow in the neon lights, this hollow place of Gamble and his Odds. The dream of innumerable wealth mixed so delicately with the cries of terror from the nightmares of the destitute. Do you hear the call of the desert? My friend, find me, and we will reap the whirlwind.

    Well, we sure do. This week, we are bringing SUNSET to its western debut at Dice Tower West in Las Vegas. We’ll be there from March 5th - 9th, so visit us. We even have just a few slots left to get into a demo for SUNSET. So, if you want to play a game with the very writers themselves, come on out and chat with us. We’d love to commune with the powers and plead for good favor. 

    We will also be selling our assorted wares like Deck of Many Dice, stickers, and some hard-to-find games from our partners. Visit the booth to talk us up about voice acting, music, games, and the like. We cannot wait to see you!

    What happened this week

    We got ready as a team for Dice Tower West. 

    Adam, Thomas, and Mike continued refining the main manuscript, which is currently sitting at a delightful 306 pages

    Alica Marie joined our team and is rounding out the setting writing team! Her expertise in horror will bring spookiness to The Loom. 

    Mike wrote more.

    Mike, Adam, Nate, and Thomas collaborated on an art direction document for Sydney, who we are meeting with next week to get the ball rolling on art.

    The announced six guest collaborators for SUNSET TTRPG




      To placate or make peace with


      Pepper, by Butthole Surfers on the SUNSET Soundtrack.


      Death is a big fan of sweets.

      What’s the plan?

      Tell your friends, play the quickstart, and follow the Kickstarter page. See you at Dice Tower West March 5th – 9th, 202, in fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada.

      Feb 23, 2025

      Cry Power

      At times, I often feel that humanity is on the verge of a tremendous philosophical awakening. It warms my heart to see people learning all over the world the power that they have. Hope Punk is about the defiance of monumental opposition. To not give over to despair or the forlorn malaise that seemingly has covered this planet. To adjust one's back, stand straight, and spit in the eye of those attempting to reign tyrannically. To throw off any yolk of expectations of others and to follow what you believe is right, even if it’s hard, even if it seems impossible, and even if it seems hopeless. Belief is a powerful emotion, and I hope this finds you believing in yourself. It takes work to be free. I trust you commit to this discipline as it does nothing but better one's existence.

      This week was big, we began announcing our amazing artists and writers and showing off to the world the lightning in a bottle we caught to bring Sunset to the world. Sydney Spears is bringing the print block, old world aesthetic with new concepts we are exploring through gameplay. We got Kris Strader and Sebastian Yūe, both building up the setting of Sunset, The Loom, and all the layers within. Finally, we have Kari Jo Freudigmann who will be building out our Patterns, or groupings of philosophy for our Threads, and Erin Fordham who will be building the very active Deities who oversee our universe (the Pantheon). We have one more announcement next week and then the whole team will be out in the open.

      The time of Hope Punk is now. Sunset fully endorses your rebellion against what you find to be keeping you down. Freedom isn’t free and it takes work and effort to keep it. To keep this tiny flame of free will alive it takes a lot but know that you are not alone. Out there in the wide world there are people like you who want to be heard, seen, and be your allies. We are the heroes we have been waiting for. I hope you find your Weave, team, and allies, keep it real, and don’t be afraid to check in on your homies.

      What happened this week

      Mike, Adam, and Thomas continued hammering out the final rough draft, finding places that needed to be expanded upon or clarified.

      Adam wrote and added much of the story to the Pantheon section.

      Mike wrote a bunch of stuff. You know, like he does. 

      Mike ran a character creation session for Sydney Spears, Kari Jo Freudigmann, and our third setting designer & writer, who will be announced on Monday, February 24, 2025. They will be running a playtest with them later this month. 

      Mike met with Kris Strader and Sebastian Yūe to discuss horror and setting locations. The three members of the setting team are responsible for setting the tone of modern horror, surreal locations, and the terrors in The Loom. They are also responsible for some pretty heavy storyline portions. I’m very excited to see what they do.

      Thomas experienced another loss, and this family member will live on in the world of Sunset and provide guidance to those who seek it.

      The team is getting ready to run demos at Dice Tower West to give everyone firsthand experience with Sunset. Will we see you there?



      Noun: Philosophy


        Noun: Philosophy
        plural noun: qualia; noun: quale

        the internal and subjective component of sense perceptions, arising from stimulation of the senses by phenomena


        Solidarity (Gogol Bordello’s “Unity” Mix), by Gogol Bordello ft. Bernard Sumner, on the SUNSET Soundtrack. Slava Ukraine.


        Locations in Sunset are made up of qualia, or the collective memories of a place. This also includes historical locations understood and known in the land of the living. When a Weave is exploring its demise, they can also examine historical and cultural touchstones within the Loom. When forgotten these locations will go through the process of sudden massive existence failure, or SMEF for short.

        What’s the plan?

        Tell your friends, play the quickstart, and follow the Kickstarter page.


        Feb 14, 2025

        Twilight Galaxy

        I’ve never been a particular fan of working with others. Much like other “rebels” of the millennial age, my loner mentality stems deeply from abandonment issues and other assorted nonsense that I’ve had to deal with over the years. It took a lot for me to admit defeat and realize I had to ask for help if I ever wanted to see SUNSET come to fruition. 

        When I was lucky enough to meet Forteller years ago, I saw in them something foreboding. Not something full of terror, but something like a storm gathering on the horizon. They knew things I could only dream of understanding, being adept at making fantastical musical scores and technology that truly helps our product connect with others. They knew that games could be something more, something that brings out the best in humans. They knew that we could do better with what we have in our Little Twin Universe storyline, making an ever-expanding paradigm for our fans to explore and play through. There is so much more to come, and I’m excited to share it with you. I promise to be transparent and open about how we are doing, which is particularly good, to be honest. 

        I like working with this team a lot. They are exceptional people and keep me on my toes. Bringing on more professional writers, artists, and sensitivity readers onto the team, this book is coming along swimmingly. We will announce all the fantastic people we are working with soon, so please follow our socials for more information! 

        It's fucking exciting. Can’t wait for next week to see what happens next.

        What happened this week

        Mike ran the first and second rounds of a playtest for the first batch of writers and our layout artist. The second batch plays the following Monday. 

        Mike with Adam and Thomas to hammer out the remaining edits to our “final” rough draft of the document so we could turn that over to our writing team for their access. They will receive that as a Valentine's Day present, representing our deep love for them. 

        Adam, Mike, and Thomas met with our artist and started our drafting process for the art of the book. 

        Mike loved his Wife Mere because it’s Valentine's Day this week, and she’s excellent. She’s also laying out SUNSET, so heck yeah! 

        Mike met with Adam to add some of the remaining drafts of the storyline that we want in the core book draft. 

        Mike wrote more on the draft, which currently has over 315 pages. The final draft will range from 300-375 pages. 

        Met with the writer covering The Patterns and explained our vision of the splats in our game. He is meeting with each writer to find out what they need and help them outline & network to build a cohesive meshing storyline. 

        Started this development diary. Pretty cool, huh?



        par·​a·​digm ˈper-ə-ˌdīm  ˈpa-rə-,  also  -ˌdim

        … regard science as the paradigm of proper knowledge.
        —G. C. J. Midgley

        Synonyms of paradigm

        1. example, pattern
          especially an outstandingly clear or typical example or archetype
        2. An example of a conjugation or declension showing a word in all its inflectional forms
        3. a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated

          the Freudian paradigm of psychoanalysis
          broadly: a philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind


          St. Chroma (Ft. Daniel Caesar) by Tyler, The Creator, on the SUNSET Soundtrack


          Do you know that SUNSET has a pantheon of beings known colloquially as “The Six”? Death, Life, Fear, Hope, Fate, & Gamble make up this cadre of beings who hold the power to create and mold the very fabric of reality. 

          What’s the plan?

          Tell your friends, play the quickstart, and follow the Kickstarter page.