SUNSET // Development Diary .01
Twilight Galaxy
I’ve never been a particular fan of working with others. Much like other “rebels” of the millennial age, my loner mentality stems deeply from abandonment issues and other assorted nonsense that I’ve had to deal with over the years. It took a lot for me to admit defeat and realize I had to ask for help if I ever wanted to see SUNSET come to fruition.
When I was lucky enough to meet Forteller years ago, I saw in them something foreboding. Not something full of terror, but something like a storm gathering on the horizon. They knew things I could only dream of understanding, being adept at making fantastical musical scores and technology that truly helps our product connect with others. They knew that games could be something more, something that brings out the best in humans. They knew that we could do better with what we have in our Little Twin Universe storyline, making an ever-expanding paradigm for our fans to explore and play through. There is so much more to come, and I’m excited to share it with you. I promise to be transparent and open about how we are doing, which is particularly good, to be honest.
I like working with this team a lot. They are exceptional people and keep me on my toes. Bringing on more professional writers, artists, and sensitivity readers onto the team, this book is coming along swimmingly. We will announce all the fantastic people we are working with soon, so please follow our socials for more information!
It's fucking exciting. Can’t wait for next week to see what happens next.
What happened this week
Mike ran the first and second rounds of a playtest for the first batch of writers and our layout artist. The second batch plays the following Monday.
Mike with Adam and Thomas to hammer out the remaining edits to our “final” rough draft of the document so we could turn that over to our writing team for their access. They will receive that as a Valentine's Day present, representing our deep love for them.
Adam, Mike, and Thomas met with our artist and started our drafting process for the art of the book.
Mike loved his Wife Mere because it’s Valentine's Day this week, and she’s excellent. She’s also laying out SUNSET, so heck yeah!
Mike met with Adam to add some of the remaining drafts of the storyline that we want in the core book draft.
Mike wrote more on the draft, which currently has over 315 pages. The final draft will range from 300-375 pages.
Met with the writer covering The Patterns and explained our vision of the splats in our game. He is meeting with each writer to find out what they need and help them outline & network to build a cohesive meshing storyline.
Started this development diary. Pretty cool, huh?
par·a·digm ˈper-ə-ˌdīm ˈpa-rə-, also -ˌdim
… regard science as the paradigm of proper knowledge.
—G. C. J. Midgley
Synonyms of paradigm
example, pattern
especially an outstandingly clear or typical example or archetype - An example of a conjugation or declension showing a word in all its inflectional forms
- a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated
the Freudian paradigm of psychoanalysis
broadly: a philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind
St. Chroma (Ft. Daniel Caesar) by Tyler, The Creator, on the SUNSET Soundtrack
Do you know that SUNSET has a pantheon of beings known colloquially as “The Six”? Death, Life, Fear, Hope, Fate, & Gamble make up this cadre of beings who hold the power to create and mold the very fabric of reality.
What’s the plan?
Tell your friends, play the quickstart, and follow the Kickstarter page.